These Vessels came from my desire to create a cover for a mason jars that protects the jars from breaking or clanging together while sailing on my boat.

As I discovered the different geometries in the patterns of the weavings, I became interested in the intention of use of the vessels based on the meanings in Sacred Geometry

Together with the rich history of knot tying in sailing and the mysticism inherent in sailing lore through the practice of sailing the globe and navigating by the stars, these vessels will carry you on your travels.

Mason Jars are practical, recyclable, and re-useable and can provide an alternative to paper, plastic and styrofoam cups.

Mason Jars and the Masonic traditions from which their name is shared, honor the wisdom of Sacred Geometry as the building block for meaning in architecture and design


Three eleven: nevele eerhT

This is the ratio of the sacred to the mundane. You don't need to know this if you live all the time in either one, but if you are like most, you will need both in 2013 (and beyond). Let me put it like this: ask yourself? Are you a snowflake or a star? Either way, you are going to need take a dip in the mundane to survive in this space between. Learn to move between the two and things will be easier. . . I have created this design to help you on your way

3:11. In process. . .

 uri geller

Here is something more than the paranormal or numerology - something very fundamental about the scientific and mathematical nature of the universe, involving unary arithmetic.
(a): 11=3, in binary arithmetic. 3 is the cornerstone of the trinity and also Hinduism.
(b): 1 male + 1 female are needed to produce 1 child. Ergo, 1 + 1 = 3, in reproduction.
(c): The building block of all existence since the "the Big Bang" is Hydrogen, which through nuclear fusion has produced all the other atoms known to humankind. Hydrogen is another 11, in binary. Another 3: 1 electron; 1 proton and 1 neutron.
(d): The Yin and the Yang are also 11 - two ones of opposite kind, reflecting the duality of the universe in eastern religions and modern computer technology.
(e): Following year 1BC is the year 1AD - another 11, since our modern calendar has no year 0, which is why the 21st century officially began on Jan 1st, 2001.
(f): And finally there is the oddity of the number 10, which historically grew out of counting on our fingers. The oddity is that 10 = 1010 in binary arithmetic - 10:10.
HOWEVER, if you count the fingers on your hands in unary arithmetic - no zeros - then 10 fingers, in unary mathematics, = 11111111111 - EXACTLY 11 ONES