Going with the flow. That is the way to go. But after reading some biorhythm charts, I discovered the three biorhythms; Physical (24 days), Emotional (28 days), and Intellectual (33 days) will not align to the same point it was at our birth for 59.2 years! It is almost like the biorhythm people are telling us that everything will work out, but only after we have gone through every possible wave pattern interaction, up, down, and in-between. . . Yeah, I know, but, but I want to be in the flow right now! The biorhythm people have the disclaimer right ( they say everything will work out. . .e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y.)
It takes the adoption of a spiritual practice to alter the flow that a non-spiritual person calls fatalist. If a yogi can alter her breathing rate, heart rate etc, then it is possible to alter our biorhythms and align them so we are in the flow. I find this kind of like surfing a wave: the effort it takes to catch a wave is most usefully applied as a wave approaches. The reason I find biorhythm rates interesting is because they almost exactly align with my conventions for using the honey vessel, fibonacci vessel and mantra vessels. (I will have a lot of explaining to do here, but for the time being, just believe me--it is true)*
* long tedious explanation removed in the interest of brevity