These Vessels came from my desire to create a cover for a mason jars that protects the jars from breaking or clanging together while sailing on my boat.

As I discovered the different geometries in the patterns of the weavings, I became interested in the intention of use of the vessels based on the meanings in Sacred Geometry

Together with the rich history of knot tying in sailing and the mysticism inherent in sailing lore through the practice of sailing the globe and navigating by the stars, these vessels will carry you on your travels.

Mason Jars are practical, recyclable, and re-useable and can provide an alternative to paper, plastic and styrofoam cups.

Mason Jars and the Masonic traditions from which their name is shared, honor the wisdom of Sacred Geometry as the building block for meaning in architecture and design


Peace Vessel

A double rainbow, a peace sign on the bottom.  
What more can this vessel do to signal peaceful intentions?

* reduce world indebtedness and begin the process of redistributing the wealth of the world;

* move toward a global renewable energy transition within a decade, as leading scientists say in the context of global warming) "with the urgency of the Manhattan Project;"
* set up alternative networks of safe travel for pedestrians, hikers, and bikers as the new greenway;
* address our health concerns for all people both on a national and a global level -- and that includes affordable prescription drugs free of advertising to consumers;
* make and observe a distinction between the paper wealth of money and Wall Street and the real wealth of human and environmental quality;
* and address all aspects of globalization issues so that no one gets left out.

Albert J. Fritsch