Since it is mushroom season and the A. Muscaria is one of the most celebrated mushrooms, I decided to make a vessel based on it. a-a-m-i-n-i-t-a-m-u-s-c-a-r-i-a. That's 15 letters, each with a color assigned to it, I was making the vessel and all kinds of things were popping into my head. This is consistent with the lore of this mushroom: It is definitely the inspiration of Alice's trip down the Rabbit Hole, it is used in shamanic ceremonies throughout Europe and it has lore stretching back to Christian times. . . One source said it is the inspiration for the legend of Santa Claus!
Plugging the letters round and round into my head as I wove the vessel, I amuse myself yieldding these similar words:
Santa Maria, Isaac Martin (who was a mutineer on the SS Bounty). A Catamaran, Samurai Man, Immarsat-C ( a marine forecasting service) and when you substitute the non repeating letters for the letter W (white), as i did in making the vessel, you get the anagram:
As I am aware mycologists use mason jars for inoculating spores, this vessel might be appropriate for that use
For me, the meditation that occurred while making this vessel has given me some understanding of the message this mushroom is giving me by growing in my presence.