4+3+2=9 Mantra Vessels have Nine Strands
9x9=81 One Revolution (it takes three to make a change)
1/81 = 12345678 This is the sequence of tying the knots
8/81= 98765432 This is the second sequence that brings you back to the start
98765432 x 9 = 888888888
12345678 x 9 = 111111111
432x432=186624 (close to the accepted universal constant speed of light)
186624 /9 /9 /9 /9 /9 = 3.16 (similar to the value of pi)
12 x 360 = 4320 (link between the number 12 and 432, degrees in a circle, etc.)
The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles (2 x 432). The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles (432 / 2).
Comment - If these measurements were not as they are, we would not experience a total eclipse of the sun. These ratios and numbers, combined with the cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes of the Earth at 25,920 years (60x432)
Below is the mandala version of the 4-3-2 Vessel
“… as a moment’s attention to a calculator will demonstrate, 60 x 60 x 60 x 2 = 432.\,000, while 60 x 60 x 60 x 60 x 2 = 25,920,000; 25,920 being the number of years required in the precession of the equinoxes for the completion of one full circuit of the Zodiac, since… the advance of the equinoctial points along the Zodiacal celestial way proceeds at the rate of 1 degree in 72 years. And 360 degrees x 72 years = 25,920 years, for one completion of a Zodiacal round, which period has for centuries been known as a Great or Platonic Year. Bt 25, 920 divided by 60 equals 432 . And so again this number appears, now, however, in exact relation to a scientifically verifiable cosmological eon or cycle of time.”
[a person] ” in perfect condition, at rest, has normally a heart rate of approximately 1 beat per second: 60 beats a minute; 3,600 beats an hour; in 12 hours 43,200 beats and in 24 hours 82,400. So we hold this measure in our hearts, as well as in the manufactured watches on our wrists.”